What is an Aquathlon?

It’s a swim and run event. Our swim takes place in a North Sea Tidal Pool and the run is along the coastal cliff top, to the next bay and back again.

What distance are the swims and runs?

They are official triathlon distances:

Sprint 750m swim +  5km run

Full 1500m swim + 10km run

I’m a runner but not a swimmer/swimmer but not a runner, can I enter with a partner?

This is a community event and we want it to be as inclusive as possible and open to every ability. You can either enter with a partner or as a solo discipline and we will pair you with a swimmer or a runner.

Will I run or swim first?

You will swim first. All events with a swimming section in, swim first for safety reasons as it is dangerous to be tired in water.

What time is the event?

The first race is at 8am to work around tide times and minimise impact to general public using the beach. We usually finish around 11:00-11:30.

Where can I find my specific race time?

We communicate these directly via email a few days before the event, as there are always last minute entries and we have to match up any solo entries. Approx timings for the event are shared via our Instagram page two weeks before the event.

Is the tidal pool closed to the public?

As a grassroots community event we cannot shut off the pool to the public as the cost just isn’t feasible. We do have multiple stewards and lifeguards to ensure the public are aware and keep them at a safe distance.

How does the fundraising work and what charities do we raise money for? 

Fees from entries (after event costs) go to Margate Pride. We also set up a GoFundMe page each year and any sponsorship you raise will go to a chosen charity which supports the environment we compete in - either ocean or coastal conservation. Our chosen charity for 2024 is Rise Up. Clean Up. Margate. a community-driven movement aimed at protecting Margate’s beaches and keeping our waters clean.

Is there a non-binary category?

In the individual, yes. The teams are already mixed categories.

How much is the entry fee?

It costs £25 to enter. If you are entering with a partner, that cost is split £12.50 per person.

Are there prizes for the fastest time?

Yes, for female, male and non-binary categories. There are also prizes for best fancy dress and runner-up prizes too!

How do you manage health & safety at the event?

We are a volunteer-led event but always have two qualified lifeguards in the water and a medic based on the beach.

Where do I find the entry form?

You can find the entry form here on our website or here in the bio of our Instagram account.

Where do I change after the swim?

We allocate an area on the beach for the change transition between the swim and the run. There are no official changing facilities at Walpole Bay.

How cold is the tidal pool?

Average sea temperature in Margate in September is 17.5 degrees. Be aware that the pool can get choppy in high winds and the swim can be tough on a windy day if you’re not used to open water or sea swimming.

Are there toilets on site?

There are portaloo toilets at Walpole Bay. The nearest public toilets can be found at the top of Harold Road approx 10 min walk away.

Is there parking?

Yes, there is a small car park on the beach level and further parking on the roads nearby. Please be considerate if you’re parking on local roads.

How do I apply to be a volunteer?

You can find the volunteer application form here on our website. Deadline for applications is 30 August 2024.